Meet Pastor Katie

Pastor Katie always wanted to be a teacher. Then God called her to seminary! This was a complete shock to her and deviated her life plans, but when God speaks, we need to obey.  Pastor Katie graduated Cum Laude at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary with a Master's of Divinity. She also has a Master's of Arts in Teaching and a Bachelor's in English. She believes strongly in the power of education to change lives.

While never dreaming she would become a pastor (She grew up not knowing women could be pastors!), Pastor Katie knows this is her life's calling. She is passionate about helping people learn to connect and be with God and God's heart for justice!

When she isn't pastoring, you can find Katie teaching third grade ELA at Brooklyn Park Elementary School, reading, writing, or watching the latest nerdy movie/show!


Meet Our Team

We believe that ministry should not only fall on the pastor's shoulders. God created us each for ministry. Every person at The Table ministers to each other and the people in their lives. On the right, we have featured people who have chosen a leadership role at the Table!

Luke Katafiasz
  • Minister of Shepherding
Anna Macaulay
  • Secretary
Paul Langer
  • Treasurer